How Can I Learn to Manage the Loss
Promote the “Grief Work.” Face the crisis actively, so as to realize the full reality of what has happened, to accept the permanency of the loss. Although it is painful, it is this pain which activates the healing process.
Surround yourself with family and friends. Begin, during the acute phase, to accept the sympathy of people. You need their warmth and support at critical moments and throughout the grief stages. Do not be afraid to cry with them.
Avoid medication such as sedatives. Although drugs may provide some needed relief, they must not be taken for the purpose of avoiding grief entirely. Remember the “grief work” must be done in order to make the adjustment.
Refrain from making hasty decisions. Immediately taking a trip or changing your residence is not the answer. You must cope with the loss first and know that “running away” will not help.
Consult professionals if grief becomes intense.
Avoid relying totally on the advice of friends. Often well-meaning friends may be unfamiliar with the stages of grief or unaware of your true needs. Realize their intentions are certainly in your interest, but sometimes their advice can be misdirected.
Establish goals for yourself. Concentrating on serving others and developing new interests will relieve your loneliness and give new purpose to your life.
Maintain hope. Paint a realistic picture of what pain you face. The “grief work” will help to overcome the intensified pressures of grief.