1. Celebrate each day.
  2. Focus on the positive things in your life.
  3. Remember your past victories.
  4. Have short-term goals.
  5. Have a long-term goal.
  6. Decide what is important.
  7. Don’t worry about the things you cannot change—because you cannot change them.
  8. Don’t worry about things you can change; change them.
  9. Communicate with the important people in your life; let them know what you want, need, think, feel, etc.
  10. Take time to enjoy those you love and care about.
  11. Take time out for yourself; we all need time alone.
  12. Take care of your mind, body, spirit; there are no replacements.

The past has its place; memories are important. The future has its place; we all need goals.
The present is now; CELEBRATE IT!!!